Life Science

We provide comprehensive advice to Polish and foreign entities in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, healthcare and food sectors.

Our very good knowledge of both pharmaceutical and medical law, as well as the market, enables us to provide advice with a high legal security and business efficiency.

We identify legal risks, propose solutions that minimise them and achieve goals in line with the client's business goals.

We apply an interdisciplinary approach to every project we undertake - we provide solutions to regulatory challenges by drawing on the knowledge and experience of specialists, including those in the fields of transactions, corporate law, intellectual property, tax, real estate, and litigation.

We provide effective advice:

  • at the stage of marketing of a product, in the process of its commercialisation and distribution,
  • to food producers at the launch of a product, including the application of distribution and trade restrictions, nutrition and health claims,
  • on issues related to labelling, advertising and promotion.

We represent clients in proceedings before administrative courts, regulatory and supervisory authorities.

We handle disputes for acts of unfair competition, about the similarity of product packaging or concerning illegal advertising.

We provide corporate advice to pharmaceutical, biotechnology or food companies, including drafting contracts and handling transactions.

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